Fitness Tests

Fitness testing can provide you with information that can help identify areas of strength and weakness in terms of a person’s general fitness. While the information provided here has figures relating to population averages in terms of what science says is “fit”, everybody’s capabilities are different, and many factors can influence the outcome of a fitness test.  For example, conducting a test in extreme heat may result in a poor outcome on paper, and so to may a sudden change in diet, illness, preparation, and the trainee’s state of mind at the time.

As a general indicator however, fitness testing can provide you with valuable information when it comes to setting goals and targets, planning how to achieve your targets realistically, and identifying issues with your training and diet which can provide insights into ways in which you can tailor your particular training methodology to suit your individual goals and needs.

While there are many different fitness tests out there, I will begin initially by including those tests that I am personally using in my own training, and will expand on this area when I have more information about other techniques and I have had a chance to evaluate them for myself so that I understand them enough to write about them properly.

60 Second Press Up

Plank Test

20 Meter Shuttle Run

Resting Heart Rate


For a really comprehensive list of fitness tests, I’d recommend visiting the Top End Sports website’s Fitness Testing pages.

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